The Phile Club — The Story
Learn. Explore. Experience. Share
March 24, 2019 | 2PM | 38 deg Celsius
“Blogging can afford us such luxuries and freedom”- The unprecedented truth!
After 605 days of blogging, creating content, researching, and scrolling through pages to learn new every day, I, Rashi Desai was affirmed: Blogging is incredible! In my very-short but awarding journey of blogging, I found my niche really soon and began to narrow down on my content. I began looking out for content in magazines, on social media, other blog posts, and also in auto-rickshaws, in malls, streets, though I’m a tech blogger:P
The final semester of my engineering study, I had 6 months of mostly nothing to do. Internships, training, none worked out. And then, out of nowhere, I summoned a recruiter to reject the only internship offer I had and said: “I want to focus more on blogging. Thanks for the offer though.” And I started my full-fledged weekly blogging. And, it all changed when one of my blogs made 364 reads (!) Unimaginable!! I was overwhelmed, shocked, excited, nervous at the same time and charged to work the hardest to put forward my best content onto the blog.
It all changed the way I perceived things then. I’d tend to form a backstory of scenes around me, understand the dimensions and dynamics, and LEARN NEW everyday. This situationship of my mind unremittingly trying to explore content around was an omen: Blogging is my passion! More research, coffee, pages, scrambles, and final drafts. My reads graph escalated exponentially. And then was my superstar blog “How I learned UX in a week!” with 8K+ reads on a single blog. We’re CALM! No frenzies.
I started receiving Twitter messages to be a guest blogger, featured writer, someone even asked to accommodate paid promotions! I was getting paid to write blogs. We’re still CALM here:D
This ocean of opportunities that knocked me just because I said “I want to concentrate onto blogging”, it was surreal. March 24, 2019, I pounced to have a publication with an inter-connected but a much wider niche. Was born The Phile Club.
The Future of Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cryptocurrencies, AR-VR-MR, Data Science, Big Data, Data Management, Cloud
Web Development and Design: UX, UI, Design, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Developing, Programming, Apps, Android/iOS, Software, Hardware
Startup Culture: Investing, Entrepreneurship, VC, Fundraising, Angel Investors, Innovation, Marketing, Social media, Leadership and Management, Student Entrepreneurship, Cold calls, and emails,
Business: Market Trends, Future, State, Customer Relations, Investments, Ergonomics, Economics, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics
Work: Personal Branding, Work-Life Balance, Remote Work, Negotiations, Social Media Habits, Desk Life
Our in-house mission and vision statements:
Provide a platform for readers and writers struggling to find a medium to express their thoughts, views, insights, learnings, experiences, ideas, and strategies.
Have an idea? Want to convey, share or contribute your knowledge? Everyone’s welcome at The Phile Club to share their stories. Identify your niche, submit your authentic stories and we put your ideas to print!
To submit your story, please follow from here.
Looking forward to meeting you on the other side!
Rashi Desai