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Top 6 Soft Skills to Absolutely Have as a Data Scientist
Hone up before you start your job as a data professional
In an exploding field like data, it is very easy to be lost finding your way to become the unicorn. The expanding world of business today demands data wizards to not only excel in technical skills, rather, bring a perfect confluence between soft and hard skills on the table.
Graduating with a major in Data Science & Analytics and working professionally now as a Data Analyst, one transition that only business experience teaches you — incorporating soft skills into your body of work. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have the right mindset for the business.
Just Python, Excel, SQL or Tableau IS NOT ENOUGH for a data professional!
Having said that, here are xx soft skills that I developed over time and I believe are quintessential to grow in the ecosystem of data.
1. Business Acumen
Data science is a technical field and my strengths are stats, math and computer science. Why should I have business acumen as a data scientist?
Understanding the business comes prior than even opening up your Jupyter notebook or setting up your data environments. After 800 lines of code, if you do not…